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A prime number catalog

iOS application

Primal contains the first 646029 prime numbers. The first one and smallest is 2, the last one and largest in the list is 9699667. This in fact is the list of all primes below 9699690, which is equal to the product 2x3x5x7x11x13x17x19 of the first eight primes.

In the screenshot above for instance the 333444th prime number is displayed. Its value is 4768849.

In order to bring this up, it is actually very easy. Once you open the app, use the top slider to set the range of accessible primes. Move the slider and keep your eyes on the values displayed under the top cyan stripe. You need to position the slider so that the value you are interested in (333444 in our example) falls in between the values under the top stripe. In this image they are 311052 and 334978.

Once the top slider is in the same position as in the image, using the two other sliders you can access all the primes from the 311052nd one to the 334978th.

Let us keep moving on our way to find the 333444th prime. Now that we have correctly positioned the top slider, let us position the middle one. Move it while keeping an eye on the values displayed under the second cyan stripe (above the bottom stripe). You need to position the slider so that the value you are interested in (333444) falls in between the values under the second stripe. In this image they are 333294 and 333630. At this point we have two sliders properly positioned. We only need to adjust the last one.

The two top sliders being in the same position as in the image, using the bottom one, you can access all the primes from the 333294th one to the 333630th. Slide it while looking at the label between the bottom stripe and the top slider, when the first line indicates 333444/646029 you have reached your goal and you can see that the 333444th prime is 4768849.


Here is one last but important tip. If you find adjusting a slider position sometime difficult. First move it to the best you can, then you can use swipes to fine tune the position. For the top slider you can swipe left or right on the top stripe. For the second slider you can swipe on the second stripe. And for the bottom one you can swipe on the bottom stripe or on the answer label itself.

Primal is on the appStore.

For a similar app with a larger range of available prime numbers use Primal+ also available on the appStore.

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